Harlan IA in Shelby County

Harlan, Iowa is in Shelby County. Some of its major employers include Myrtue Medical Center CDS Global West Central Community Action Monogram Foods and Monogram Foods.

Harlan IA has a commute time of 15.9 minutes. This is less than the national median of 26.4. The city has several local routes.

City Hall

City Hall, Harlan is located at 711 Durant St. in Harlan Iowa 51537. Its phone number is (515) 683-5537, and its website is http://harlancityhall.com/.

City Of Harlan in Harlan Iowa pays its employees an average salary of $3289 541, or about $3289 541 per year. This is well above the average salary for all Americans. The individual salary may differ significantly depending on the job, location, and specific responsibilities.

A small town has many advantages. The townspeople are close-knit and there are many recreational opportunities. In the surrounding area, there are many parks and hiking trails. There is also a shopping and dining district. Throughout the year, there are also several festivals in the town.

City Library

City Library Harlan IA has a large collection of books and is an important community resource. Patrons may access the library online or seek out a librarian’s assistance for their research. It offers genealogy help.

Harlan offers a wonderful place to raise your family and begin a new career. Harlan has 17 local churches, many activities, and the best state school system. The town has an extensive park system, and a public library that is well-equipped.

Enrich Iowa funding allowed the library add hundreds of new items to their collection. Included in these items are adult graphic novels and Manga, children’s picture books and Spanish-language materials. It also allowed the library to upgrade their telephone network and give staff cordless phones.

City Park

City Park, in Harlan, is the perfect place for both kids and adults who enjoy outdoor activities. Its Adventure Play Structures were designed to be inclusive and accessible. In addition, there are designated accessible parking spaces as well as hard-surfaced paths in the park.

Prairie Rose State Park is located in Harlan and offers visitors a number of activities, such as camping, swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, and cross-country ski. A 218-acre reservoir is the main attraction of this park for water-based activities. There are eight fishing jetties in the park and a dock to clean fish.

Harlan, a small town in the state of Ohio is a wonderful place to live! The schools are excellent and the crime rate is very low. The community is tight-knit and everyone knows one another. The community is very family-friendly and has a vibrant sports program.

Police Department

The police force in Harlan is made up of eight full-time officers. They keep the citizens of Harlan safe by patrolling the streets. In order to solve serious crimes, the department collaborates with other local agencies.

Harlan’s rate of crime is lower than that of the state. Residents have a good quality of life, and many recreational activities are available. The city is also well-equipped with a street, utility, park, and sanitation infrastructure.

The city is considering consolidating police services with the Shelby County sheriff department due to recent struggles in recruiting and retaining officers. The city council will have to vote on the decision, as well as the county board. Officials want to attract more candidates by creating specialized positions. Compare salaries in other companies.

Fire Department

Harlan fire department currently has 26 active members. They are always on the lookout for new recruits. Chief Bissen says that the residency requirement for joining the fire department has been removed because it’s hard to find volunteer firefighters.

Shelby County Emergency Management Agency will collaborate with Myrtue Medical Center Public Health on April 9-10 to host mass vaccination clinics for COVID-19 Pfizer. Rex Pharmacy and Pexton Pharmacy are among the local pharmacies that have donated vaccine to this event.

Bruce is the western Iowa sales rep for Reliant Fire Apparatus. He has a strong passion for helping to support fire departments. He is a volunteer firefighter and active in his community. He lives with his family in Harlan. He enjoys helping people achieve their goals and loves to work with them.
